The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:31 pm

Parc marin aux Chagos: «Un jugement historique pour Maurice», dit SAJ
Le jugement du tribunal arbitral sous la Convention du Droit de la mer, décrétant illégale la création de la Marine Protected Area aux Chagos, sans le consentement de Maurice, a été au cœur de la Private Notice Question, ce vendredi 20 mars. Le Premier ministre, sir Anerood Jugnauth, a notamment indiqué qu’il s’agit d’un «jugement historique pour Maurice.Et qu'une étape importante a été franchie».

Un comité, a indiqué sir Anerood Jugnauth, sera mis sur pied pour étudier ce jugement et décider de la marche à suivre. Il comprendra un représentant des différents partis politiques ainsi que le leader de l’opposition. Celui-ci sera consulté «at the appropriate time», a précisé le Premier ministre, en réponse à une question de Paul Bérenger. Ce dernier a invité le gouvernement à «agir vite».

Sir Anerood Jugnauth a, par ailleurs, déclaré que la décision rendue par le Tribunal d’arbitrage permanent n’a pas encore été officiellement communiquée à Maurice. Il est indiqué dans le jugement que «Maurice devrait être consultée avant toute décision prise concernant l’archipel des Chagos». ... ce-dit-saj

Chagos: «Cette décision est une première», réagit Milan Meetarbhan ... meetarbhan
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:31 pm


Le Premier ministre cet après-midi: « The ruling establishes beyond doubt that Mauritius has real, firm and binding rights over the Chagos Archipelago and the UK must respect those rights »

Le Premier ministre cet après-midi: « The ruling establishes beyond doubt that Mauritius has real, firm and binding rights over the Chagos Archipelago and the UK must respect those rights »
Un comité présidé par le Premier ministre et comprenant les leaders des partis politiques représentés à l’Assemblée nationale institué pour déterminer la marche à suivre après le jugement de la Court of Permanent Arbitration donnant raison à Maurice sur les Chagos
Paul Bérenger, leader de l’opposition: « We all agree that the ruling is a milestone for the effective exercise by Mauritius of its sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago »
Londres a agi de manière illégale et au détriment des droits et des intérêts souverains sur l’archipel des Chagos avec le Marine Protected Area (MPA)
Le jugement d’Istanbul de la PCA ouvre la voie à une cogestion des Chagos par Port-Louis et Londres et, surtout, en marge des négociations du renouvellement du bail de Diego Garcia de 2016
Les juges Kateka et Wolfrum : « The 1965 excision of the Chagos archipelago from Mauritius shows a complete disregard for the territorial integrity of Mauritius by the United Kingdom, which was the colonial power » ... historique

ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE : SAJ, « Victoire de David sur Goliath ! »


Le Premier ministre : « This is a historic ruling for Mauritius car c’est la première fois que Londres est dénoncée et condamnée sur les Chagos par une Cour internationale ou un tribunal »
Le Ruling de la Permanent Court of Arbitration confirme les droits inaliénables de souveraineté de Maurice sur l’archipel des Chagos
Le Leader of the House présidera un comité interparlementaire, avec la participation du leader de l’opposition, en vue de déterminer la marche à suivre post-jugement d’Istanbul
Paul Bérenger, leader de l’opposition : « We all agree that the ruling is a milestone for the effective exercise by Mauritius of its sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago »
Le leader de l’opposition : « It’s more important that none of the five judges has said that the United Kingdom has sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago » ... ur-goliath

Souveraineté : « The detachment of the Chagos Archipelago was already decided whether Mauritius gave its consent or not “ ... ave-its-co
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:33 pm

Navin Ramgoolam: «Les Chagos dépassent la politique partisane»

Fier du jugement de la Permanent Court of Arbitration des Nations unies, qui s’est prononcée en faveur de Maurice contre la création d’... ... -partisane

Ramgoolam: «Une victoire éclatante pour Maurice et le peuple chagossien»
D’après Navin Ramgoolam, peu de personnes croyait en sa stratégie pour contrer le projet britannique de parc marin aux Chagos.
L’ancien Premier ministre revient sur le devant de la scène à l’occasion du jugement «historique» des Nations-Unies en faveur de Maurice dans le dossier Chagos. Il soutient que «pratiquement personne» ne croyait en la victoire de Maurice dans cette affaire. Navin Ramgoolam prodigue également des conseils au gouvernement. ... chagossien

Chagos: le verdict qui a tout changé ... out-change

Parc marin aux Chagos: Maurice obtient gain de cause
L’Etat attendait depuis près d’un an le verdict du tribunal arbitral des Nations unies sur l’aire marine protégée instituée aux Chagos par la Grande-Bretagne.
Cela fait presque un an que l’Etat attendait le verdict du tribunal arbitral des Nations unies sur l’aire marine protégée aux Chagos. Et dans un jugement rendu le mercredi 18 mars, celui-ci a tranché en faveur de Maurice. Il a été constaté que la création de la Marine Protected Area aux Chagos sans le consentement de Maurice est illégale. ... gain-cause
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:50 pm

We used to listen to some very macabre humorous rancontage of those very senior to us in Seychelles - this development is really wired - PM Tony Blair personally wanted to send us/my person to the USA for persistently mentioning this topic among others and those from the USA "East of Suez" British and USA policy back in the 50's and this morning the Mauritian news paper publish contents of this unique Strategy and those involved. President J A Michel, President FA Rene and first president JR Mancham you owe my/or person a public apology and my children. Those around lady Tacther and her Cabinet who knew the cack/super manure. This included to President Kassam Uteem , Dr Navin Ramgolam and current PM Jugnauth. You in particular PM Tony Blair - we just trust those many Arabs and Asian parties get to see read - including Mr Imran Khan and Jemaima - those who may have told her your good fiend is bonker. This included President Bill Clinton and Mrs Hillary Clinton and former president Bush Junior. At least president Obama and First lady Obama gave us the befit of the doubt. The many royal and those form France and then President F Mitterrand and the Grand L'Orient de France and the sister Lodge questioned my/our source. What about the many high officials of then Europe 1987, the many Heads of State of Europe, those from the UN and particularly those from NATO and the International Court of Justice. What about those from then Pan African Congress, President Julius Nyerere, the ex sultan of Zanzibar, those from the ANC Mr Olivier Tambo , President Mandela himself and Mrs Winnie Mandela who questioned these issues and its sources 1981 to date, What about President Qaddafi and President Saddam Hussian, those form India the Gandhi Family/dynasty- they now have it black and white. To all my children go in the gardens any where get all the worms, rats tails, snails, flour, oil and eggs and bake a very crazy cake. The article in question - paragraph in the context of the Cold War - please read. Trust those who have the proper marble will come forward with some "proper manure" Lady Thatcher would have a super laughter where ever she is. ... -1968-1982
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:29 am

Arbitrage relatif à l’aire marine protégée des Chagos (Maurice c. Royaume-Uni)



OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA to study the very very many documents.

In the first instance there are some 25 odd specialist from the Mauritius side, the complexities of the presentation and process - it does not do justice to read the documents one and make proper conclusion - one need/require to read a few time and think come back and study the many pros and cons.

This is not the purpose we have address this thread - from a Sechelles Seychelles prospective even Mauritius ignore there are exile from Seychelles and we have some 21,000 to 25,000 roughly one third of the current population.

This said how Mauritius treats and have treated the Illois the past 30 years and their respective Rights and the rights of those Illois in Sechelles Seychelles some 500 of them.

Prior to the multiparty announcement - we had what was known and termed as Exile government and their respective rights under international laws particularly the UN

Given that in spite the return of multiparty, the new constitution, the third Republic only some 150/200 individuals have returned.

That SIROP program voluntary repatriation - had called for a wider international support to help return and resettle those 21,000 - 25,000 exiles/refugees.
To enable this to happen we were required by the Seychelles government of President FA Rene to put into place a historic economic program supported and financed by the International community to the tune of $500 - $800 millions
It required a very active participation of the exile community across the world and in Seychelles to be implemented by Seychelles government - However that was not the original deal - it had looked a greater political participation in the form of elected Oppositions and appointed bodied to help implement this program and process. With events which followed this was not possible and we have had a situation where Seychelles government have dictated everything regarding the implementation of that Return program.

We have been demanding a UN, EU or African Review of that Program as is the International norm with very little success for the past 15 years.
This said - this exile return program have no official acknowledge/registered representation in Seychelles - it has been left to respective individuals, former leading exile to address their views. In spite of we calling for the setting up of proper body which would represent the greater interests of all the 21,000 - 25,000 exiles/refugees.

We have requested in writing to those MNA in Opposition to present our issues, call in the national Assembly and they have all refused/completely ignored it.
In the case of Mauritius v British government before the UN ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA - stress and underline the important legal expertise and legal resource put into place.

In Seychelles since the calling of the 3rd Republic the Legal profession and Justice system have greatly developed and enhanced yet beside leading lawyer Philippe Boulle, Pardiwalla Townmy, Labalch, eventually other case we are not aware of/have not been made aware - the refusal for the justice and legal system to provide and help in meaningful way to help address the exile plight - case and the issues of the important economic program.

From Europe have addressed Seychelles government, the ruling political party and the many relevant institutions, including the Court and NGO.

We presented the facts that prior to multiparty being introduced - the Seychelles exile/refugee had what was termed as exile government. The manner and respective relation they developed with the many Europe and international institutions and governments.

We hold the argument that because Seychelles government never adequately address the proper problematic and political issues of those 21,000 - 25,000 exile, safe take over that $500 - $800 millions economic program and promote it as their political concept which was very different under the government of President FA Rene. The facts that only 150/200 maximum individuals returned and even then their situation and plight - whatever the government propaganda and media address. We have a right to form an exile government with all its Powers and required structures. Beside under UN and International laws the rights of those 21,000 - 25,000 exile to create a separate State/nation entity - we have not taken this road given the call for national reconciliation and greater efforts to create national harmony.

This said, within the Rights of those exiles as stipulated under the International laws promoting their many respective interests the institutions and mechanism they put into place and deploy and the objective to serve.

In this manner - the exiles/refugees who have not returned have engaged and interacted with a very long list of issues relevant and pertinent from an exile government prospective or exile grouping prospective.

This have included the issues of Bilateral issues, between Seychelles and Mauritius, host of important issues regarding the COI, the RIM Association.
Those exile/refugee until 1991 and the third Republic took it upon themselves to work, monitor and address the issues of BIOT, Diego Garcia - we have cited to important issues those exile factions who had wanted to create an incident so that USA engage Seychelles Communist government. The second issues was the proposed creation of an international refugee settlement on on of the Island of the BIOT group under the banner of the UN if not solution could be found with Seychelles government.

In the process of workings those issues have acquired the knowledge and experience to work some of the most complex diplomatic issues, to lobby, or enhance or drive and given issues to achieve a give objective in our favor or combine interests.

Hence we found ourselves for the past 36 years engage in the many complex issues, court, media, UN, EU, African Union regarding the BIOT and Diego Garcia. All those who have noted the capacity of the exile/refugee to engage and contribute to very many important issues and their conclusion.

To put into place that SIROP program it required a very great deal of expertise and experience, abilities - the manner global diplomatic works and global business works. For example we found it necessary/ a requirement for future Mauritius to work the issues of that SIROP program, the subject of COI and the RIM Association it had to have Republic status and we worked, help put into place the due mechanism, parameters to help and contribute to this process - everybody ignored those 21,000 -25,000 exile/refuge involvements - yet they represent near one third of Seychelles population and four time the number of Chagossain displaced.

In the process of driving and enhancing the work to progress the subject of the exile/refugee and that SIROP economic program they have acquired a very important reputation by the EU, the UN, African Union, Commonwealth, Francophone, the none aligned, Regional Indian ocean workings as have adequate capacity to participate and contribute to achieving a given objective.

As such have impacted and influenced a great number of bilateral subjects between Mauritius, the Chagossain and Britain. We are not aiming to write a legal document here - endeavoring to use language and terminology that every person can read and understand.

In the report and very many meetings, documents listed in the UN ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA there are no mention of the Seychelles exile/refugee involvements.

The question how do we go about explaining what we have done and the many instance we hae engaged and been involved and impacted many of the events, decisions and subjects. In all Democratic countries and nations they of relevancy, they are important.

Examples - the era of lady Thatcher the subject we engaged her government and ministers and the media other institutions and the impact on ongoing discussion and process. The same of PM John Major, particularly that of PM Blair - the regional conflicts and the correlation of those 21,000 - 25,000 Seychelles exiles/refugees. The many instance we have engaged the British government on very many subjects, those of PM Gordon Brown given that the Illois have been promoting a concept/project for their resettlement and some kind of return on one of the BIOT Island.

What nobody say and write about - it was the 21,000 - 25,000 Seychelles exile/refugee how influenced the decision of PM Blair to formulate the politic he did regarding the BIOT and the Chagos - that Marin park Project.

The dynamic we contributed to, mechanism we have help/contribute to put into place, subject we have impacted - the capacity to influence the judgement and outcome. This is very grave statement. None of the parties be they the Mauritius government or the Illois care to address this - in this case we have a right and compel to share these issues with the Greater public - those in Seychelles who wish or are interested to follow it up and those officials of the UN, AU, EU and Regional bodies.

The Tribunal having made their decision with not regard and taking account of the Seychelles exile/refuge equation, events and the future. We cannot foresee and radical of changed form Seychelles government - so we are looking at a long term establishment and structure development and topic engagement by those 21,000 - 25,000 exiles. This included the BIOT and Chagossain.

There is the important need to address the manner Dr Navin Ramgolan, Mauritius media, the parliament and other institutions is presenting this development as all their accomplishment. { We have written to the press and many other personalities and those who read our social network that it was on account of that SIROP program work being undertaken in Strasbourg, France and Austria - this impacted important the election dynamic and synergy in Mauritius and cause the voters to sway/change - it is a very normal and common science and discipline yet.

Dr Ramgolam is well aware of those 21,000 - 25,000 exiles capacity to influence and impact many of not just Mauritius but important regional issue. Yet he state it was his office the decided on the approach and manner to go to the UN Tribunal - all those who know London, Europe reasonable well the important impact those 21,000 - 25,000 exile /refugee program was having and have been having - if they can impact important EU workings, policy making and the EU Budget they can equally impact the working of Mauritius bilateral and this arbitration case. Which they did. The question how to integrate this into the subject.

Both parties, Mauritius and the Chagossian have time and time reverted to the EU Justice, the UN, International court and British court to address the abuse of their Rights - those 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exiles/refugee have the same Rights.

It would have been of great help if those from the exile/returning refugee with legal and judiciary knowledge would.could have helped in writing this thread.
We cannot wait - help may/will never come.

Chagos : but historique de Maurice contre l’Angleterre ... angleterre
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:23 pm

"Arbitrage relatif à l’aire marine protégée des Chagos (Maurice c. Royaume-Uni)"
1 Comment - Show Original Post


Over the past near 30 years have addressed of the Project/concept - the Seychellois exiles had been promoting, lobbying and getting then Lady Thatcher government to consider/take on broad and her then Ministers, the UN, the British media.

This was the hight of the Boat people refugees, the refugees from Srilanka their plight and the ship that had been used to imprison them.

The Seychelles exile/faction, there were few if any Chagossian in then London 1980's, those in Mauritius and Seychelles - other exile/refugees in London. The idea and concept was to use part of then BIOT to develop an international Refugee settlement under the UN Flag/control to overcome the USA and USSR disapproval - the cost would have been £150 millions over 10 years and affecting some 5,000 to 10,000. The idea was in the long term to create a different political and economic dynamic in the Region. Impacting then Iraq and Afghanistan.

We studied this approach after the many attempted failed coup d'etat and no hope of change in then Seychelles
We used many of the experience, figures and connections to put into place that SIROP program. Then PM Jugnauth, then President Kassam Uteem and then Mr Paul Beranger and then Dr Ramgolam knew of the issues and later the SIROP program. Those from the OAU/Pan African congress

Many of the information KPMG provided in their recent report would have been applicable. Had we had a more positive response for Mrs Thatcher would have had to use KPMG or one of he Big five to put together the concept or the UN/UNIDO/World Bank. There is a good deal to be debated in this report. Beside the Seychellois exile have a very important say and role in the Indian ocean politic - they have been impacting the BIOT and Chagossian debacles irrelevant what the media write and others. ... 9353594225
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:21 pm

Mancham on high plateau of global peace making


Sir James’ stature as an international statesman got further recognition this week when he addressed a special meeting of the management committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (Pabsec)

Seychelles founding President James R. Mancham's stature as an international statesman received further recognition on Monday this week when he got an invitation from Asaf Hajiyev, the secretary general of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (Pabsec), to address a special meeting of the management committee of the organisation at its prestigious headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey.

Sir James was asked to speak to the group on what he thought was the way forward to peace and reconciliation in the Black Sea area against the background of his experience in the Indian Ocean.

At the moment, Pabsec has a membership of 14 nations with a combined estimated population of over 350 million people - representing the republics of Albania, of Armenia, of Azerbaijan, of Bulgaria, of Georgia, of Greece, of Moldova, of Romania, of Serbia, of Turkey, of Ukraine and of the Russian Federation.

Continuing to focus its activities on priority economic topics, the Assembly has also embraced the following issues: Democracy and the rule of law; Combating organised crime and terrorism; Protection of the Black Sea environment; Forging cultural and educational cooperation between the member countries and; Strengthening cooperation at the level of civil society and cooperation with other European and international organisations.

In an introductory address, Secretary General Asaf Hajiyev said that he first met Sir James when both of them were attending a meeting of CAPDI (Centrist Asia Pacific Democrats International) in Bali, Indonesia and that he was extremely impressed with the keynote address he delivered on the ‘Path to Peace in today's global village’ which the world has become.

He said he was equally impressed with Sir James' recently published book, ‘SEYCHELLES – The saga of a small nation navigating the cross currents of a big world’ in which he expressed his views concerning much required changes necessary for a better world order.

Sir James told the group that he would like to underline two words in the title of his new book. The first word is "navigating" and the second is "cross-current". He said that at this troublesome time in world history the countries or the Black Sea area are on line with the nations of the Indian Ocean when the game of survival requires the ability to navigate through various political cross-currents.

Sadly, Sir James said, he didn't see peace on tomorrow's horizons unless the big powers who are calling the tune agree to play within the philosophy of "right is might" as opposed to the policy of "might is right".

He said he was disturbed by the game of "smart power", which essentially meant combining hard power and soft power in order to score goals. Unfortunately the way "smart power" is being played today more often than not brings about confusion and polarisation and promotes distrust and mistrust among competing nations.

“World leaders must be reminded that there is no victory in war, one can win a battle but winning the war is another thing,” Sir James said, appealing to nations to converge on the need to find glory in winning the peace.

He said it was incredible to think how much money was being spent on military equipment and defence budgets when one realises the unfortunate level of poverty in so many parts of the world.

He said that more money should be spent on peace making rather than peace keeping.

The people of the world must be educated to accept the reality that today we live in a global village and that it is imperative for us to search for peace and harmony. Education is the only way to defuse extremism, fanaticism and hate.

"My voice could be regarded as a voice in the wilderness but the leaders of the powerful nations of the world with all their nuclear capacity and lethal weapons deep inside know that I am right and that it is not very comfortable to be king in the kingdom of hate and controversies."

Sir James was applauded for his words and presented with a commemorative plate in honour of his visit to Pabsec headquarters.
Sir James has had an impressive background in the promotion of peace and reconciliation. During his 15 years of exile in London, he promoted the Crusade for the Restoration of Democracy in Seychelles. But when he was allowed to return and assist in the restoration of multi-party democracy in the islands (April 1992), he surprised public-opinion generally and his supporters in particular when he stated that he had returned with the spirit of "an apostle of national reconciliation." Also during his exile in London, just before returning to Seychelles, he was advocating for a forum to promote national reconciliation between and within nations which advocated among other objectives the peaceful reunification of the Two Chinas.

In year 2000, Sir James was awarded trophy of the Washington-based Foundation for Democracy in Africa, at the time of the signing of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Agreement “for his contribution to peace, progress and prosperity in Africa”.

As an elected member of the Committee of Elders of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), in November 2012, he led a mediation mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa) and to Rwanda (Kigali), with a view to avoiding a threatening war between these two neighbours.

As a co-chairman of the Global Peace Foundation (GPF), in February 2013, he addressed the youth of Kenya prior to a general election appealing for the Kenyan people to put the interest of Kenya first and to do away with tribalism within the spirit of “Harambee”, which existed at the time of Kenya's independence in December 1963. Also as co-chairman of the Federation for World Peace, Sir James delivered a keynote address in Abuja, Nigeria, in November 2013 - calling on all religious leaders in Nigeria to put aside their differences of dogma and theology to concentrate on the common cause of peace. Also, as an active member of the Belgrade-based European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD), his priority has been to “dry up the water of hate” swimming between Serbia and Kosovo.

For these and other similar initiatives, Sir James was awarded the Gusi Peace Prize for Statesmanship in Manila in June 2011 and the International Jurists Award for “his unique contribution to world peace” in Delhi, India, in December 2010.

Sir James is also chairman of the African Chapter of the Berlin-based Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) and of the Hamburg and London-based World Future Council (WFC), which has, as one of its main objectives, the provision of “a voice to the voiceless in the world” - e.g. a voice to the future generation and the children of tomorrow.

He is also a vice-chairman of the Chief Justices of the World Conference which is hosted in Lucknow, India, annually - and two years ago, he was elected a member of Le Club de Madrid which is an association comprising former democratic heads of state from all over the world.

Against this background, Sir James is mindful of creating an International Center for Peace Studies in Seychelles under the umbrella of the University of Seychelles (UniSey) - perhaps in association with ECPD, which itself has an association with the United Nations University of Peace, on the basis that the world “must spend more money on making peace than keeping peace”. In this connection, he commended the initiative taken by Seychelles President James Michel alongside President Jacob Zuma of South Africa to bring together the confronting political factions in the Malagasy Republic in order that they can find the required unity that would enable peace and economic development to take roots in the big island.

Sir James is expected back in Seychelles today.
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:08 pm

“Could this really be true? It looks as though President Obama is preparing to mount your photo in his office”.

Over the past 10 years there have been several articles published in Nation and they have been written by the office and staff of former President J R Mancham and the role of Lady Mancham - she is a former new paper reporter.

Recently we had a young female relative who traveled to London with SeyUni colleagues for their official graduation ceremony and what we addressed on Facebook. Over the past 30 years in London, then Sir James Mancham residence in Putney - by the bridge they have the Oxford and Cambridge yearly race. Then Wondsworth Town Hall and then Ms Fonia McTaggart. The setting up of UKSCA at Clapham Junction old Town Hall building, the police Station next door and the issues of then Princess Diana - her Old Kindergarten place of work not far. This young person was a former athlete and ran in the National Stadium and how that Stadium was build - Sir James Mancham had opposed/boycott that project. She took me and my son in 2004 fishing by Dr Tony D'Offay Island the plane landing and taking off.

We had written of our battle to get a University opened in Sechelles Seychelles a part of that SIROP program. Beside the University issues of the Gulf Region linked importantly to/with that program, impacts in the Arab world and our region. That SIROP program impacted great many aspects of modern Britain Universities workings, curriculum and teaching/lecturing discipline, including your Oxford, Cambridge, Eaton and others. Among other very important national project in Britain impacted and influence by that SIROP program the great British Library - PM Blair to compete with President F Mitterrand Library project we had been involved - linked to that SIROP program. We also explained to her the issue of Waterloo International Station by lady Thatcher and PM Blair decision to rebuild St Pancreas - how we impacted and influenced his decision. "Mr Guy Morel gave his life upon the opening - such Arcadian workings in Britain" Importantly linked/synergizing the building of the London eye is that Sechelles Seychelles EU Community coat of arms project.

This is where we want the attention of the White House occupant, President Obama's very distinguish attention.

From an Illuminati, Templar, Fraternal, Masonic working - when they or the discipline of big finance in introduced in its discipline they are not necessarily talking of big money they are talking of something very different - it is a philosophy a way of looking a complex-or workings of the above - you may be as poor as a dog or rat - still to have the capacity to entertain in mind/thought great philosophy and this impacted on greater Illuminati etc workings. Those 59 biggest USA Banks which failed, In Japan, across Europe and Latin America 2008. Shortly after President Obama inauguration had addressed a thread - just in case of what he must be very mindful during his Term of Office what had/have tripped past White House occupants.

The meltdown occurred - because the vast many important global Finance big institutions were based upon sets of intelligence/intelligent concept and they found their roots in the core formula/dynamic and physics/chemistry of that SIROP program. Its highly important Illuminati source.

Mankind almost landed in a third world war - that was no certainly Sir James Mancham who saved "their toast and beacon".
If anything he formed part and parcel of the very cause of the global melt down - those angry/enraged with the mega global benchmark - those who deemed they were the sole entity/party to set up human/high corporate workings benchmark including the policing, Justice and its interpretation and high accounting /accountability and reporting.

Very many of those those important personalities paid a very heavy/dear price, the media and social network full of it/this miss deeds..

We believe it is necessary to stress - the very distinct Masonic as against Illuminati and the interpretation of Illuminati and Masonic discipline back in 1986/7, their control and Management on global workings right across the board. What make/made that SIROP program very unique in modern history - as part of the future development of society and civilization if we may use this term - communication. Not your internet or your telephone - it was human intercommunication - the mind functioning in the Cold War world and what was to be. A small group held the view it was very dangerous to introduce such a science/mechanism geared to manage the very high workings of the program and was/must bot be available for every tom Dick and Harry to use and apply. Those form the Masonic Establishment battled/raged and they began applying that discipline/very corrupted " the birth of the Satanic rage/crack vibe phenomena, what this entailed and the fate of humanity those who had foreseen this in 1986/7.

This was used to create the ground work for the global application of benchmarks be it for high finance, Accounting, Justice, Diplomacy, Policing, Education, Media, Science and the Church.

Again we need/require the attention of everybody - this quasi abnormal benchmark had existed back in 1978/9 and was deployed by the Moonies and its Followers. The encountered mega public and media, authority confrontation. Sir James Mancham was then exile in London by Putney Bridge and did not have the very important position and connection in the Moonies Global Network as he has today - began to acquire past 15 years after the return of Multi party in Seychelles - had he been elected the quasi communication he would have planned had in mind to set up in Seychelles in comparison to the Communist system of President FA Rene. That very corrupted Benchmark of then Monies 1978/9 would have been applied plus the hybrid after events of 1986/7 in London that SIROP program deployment.

Over the past 25 years - he had known my person and the issues mentioned above. When many used and abused us to ,make a very great deal of money/wealth and fortune he used and abused my person to extract over the past 25 years some of the core chemistry of the corrupted benchmark and the issues of the alternative version. He gained his importance and fame by Rev Moon because of this knowledge. Events over the past 25 years world wide and what the poppy media get to write that is what they are really.

This abnormal communication have impacted education - children development how it impact child conception, embryo environment and birth and the male or female development and growing up and their very understanding of the world and its function.

Get a group of children form any where in the world today as poor and rich as they come - perform intelligence analysis based upon this highly corrupted benchmark to test they human functionality the results and outcome. The very surprising outcome.

If children form the poorest environment can perform such feat how about adults, with given knowledge of their field of work and expertise. This phenomena is right across the UN many institutions workings, Drug management, Poverty management, the very long list of UN workings. The world Bank and IMF. This trend is getting worse.

Every nation appreciate and respect when one of their become famous and important. We in Seychelles and the Indian Ocean should be not different irrespective of race and ethnicity and religion. There is the need to weigh/take note of the context and many associated issues of that importance and fame.
Very many time have address the topic of Drug abuse in Seychelles and the Region - the government and nation institutions because they have been educated such not to understand how that infernal satanic rage/vibe, mad cow communication mechanism is impacting humanity and including the /church function. When abused it is and can have impacts and consequences far worse than drug it can bring global and environmental abnormality on a very devastating scale/proportion - drugs cannot do this. It can bring epidemic, it can bring famine and pest on a national and regional scale - those scientist and experts who will refuse and been trained not to make the distinctions. This is where doctors and experts and failing society - the millions of individual impacted and affected by that Satanic /Crack vibe corrupted benchmark particularly in the media, TV and Radio have have to consume drugs to find a cure and rid their person. mind and body of this plagues.

Today in Europe, the USA, the UN, Africa and African Union - the mass application of this highly corrupted benchmark - it has led to the many wars, conflicts and instability of societies. It will be the destruction of mankind and civilization as we know it - unless a remedy/solution in found. The criminalization of this benchmark. You can access any individual bank account without the use of a PC or web related platform,or even close by, any details of their life and secrets. You can extract all the details of the place of work however important and secretive/dangerous and Criminal how they use and abuse this. You can steal a complete person or group of person identity and use and abuse it as you choose and those ruthless politicians applying this method. The many abnormal Church spreading like mushrooms upon what their so call christian principal is based/ work with. What about the vast floods and forests of super experts and know it all.

Sir James Mancham oppose a global review of that SIROP program because we would have insisted his role be studied in detail and reported - entered into history.

Seychelles Nation article
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Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:36 pm

Mancham starts work on new book entitled ‘Among my African friends’

Sir James R. Mancham, founding President of the Republic of Seychelles who was on Saturday March 28, 2015 re-elected for a Sir James R. Mancham at the Global Peace Leadership Conference in Abuja, Nigeria, in November 2013 second term as a member of the Committee of Elders of Comesa (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), has revealed that he is actually working on a new book to be entitled ‘Among my African friends’.

In the book, Mr Mancham says he will write about the way, he believes, Africa should move forward towards peace, progress and prosperity with pride, dignity and international respect.

The revelation came in a reply letter which founding President Mancham, yesterday morning, sent to Seychelles’ current President James Alix Michel, following a congratulatory letter from the latter dated March 28, 2015, concerning Mr Mancham's re-election to the Committee of Elders of Comesa:

“Your re-election to this high profile organ of Comesa is not only well deserved but is also a source of immense pride and honour to the people of Seychelles. It underscores your qualities as a statesman and an eloquent testimony to your grandeur d’esprit. It is also an endorsement of the leadership role you have played in preventive diplomacy and on issues relating to peace, security and stability.
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Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:44 am

Re: The old Forum Mancham and Diego Garcia issues

Postby Grandlarousse » Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:38 pm

Chagos: Rêves d’un retour au pays natal

Iline Talate (à g.) et sa fille Cindy, 23 ans. La quinquagénaire est membre du «board» du Groupe réfugiés Chagos.
Iline Talate (à g.) et sa fille Cindy, 23 ans. La quinquagénaire est membre du «board» du Groupe réfugiés Chagos.
30 Mars 2015
«C’est là-bas que je suis né, c’est là-bas que je veux mourir.» Louis (*) a 71 ans. Chagossien au visage buriné et aux mains calleuses, pêcheur aux traits façonnés par le soleil et le sel, il garde espoir sans se bercer d’illusions.

Cela fait plus de quarante ans qu’il a débarqué à Maurice – il ne sait plus exactement en quelle année – avec sa femme et son fils aîné, alors âgé de trois mois. Et si depuis, il en a fait du chemin, cela ne l’empêche pas de reparler avec nostalgie de Peros Banhos où il est né, où il a grandi et dont il a été chassé. ... pays-natal
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Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:44 am


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