World Day for Migrants and Refugees in Seychelles

We began to adopt and develop due networks, structures, expertise back in 1978/9 for the past 36 years our contributions to Seychelles building, regional Indian Ocean Nations workings, empowering - contribution to working and building democracy. Our community have been at the fore front of alternative economic, cross culture nation working with the former COMECON, Russia the role we have played and input - lending to the BRICS world alternative economic, social and cross culture workings.

Nous avons commencé à adopter et développer des réseaux en raison , structures, expertise de retour en 1978/9 pour les 36 dernières années, nos contributions au renforcement des Seychelles , le fonctionnement régional océan Indien Nations , l'autonomisation - contribution au travail et renforcement de la démocratie . Notre communauté a été à l'avant-garde de solution de rechange économique , croix nation de culture de travail avec l'ancien COMECON , Russie le rôle que nous avons joué et entrée - prêts au monde BRICS autres travaux de culture économiques, sociaux et croisées .

World Day for Migrants and Refugees in Seychelles

Postby Grandlarousse » Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:30 pm

World Day for Migrants and Refugees in Seychelles

Pope’s message, migrants' testimonies higlight day in Seychelles

The audience

“Church without frontiers. Mother to all” is the theme of Pope Francis’ message for this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2015 to the world.

In Seychelles a ceremony to mark the day was held at the Mont Fleuri community centre last Friday where the Pope's message was explained by Father Louison E. Bissila Mbila and migrants living in Seychelles gave testimonies on their lives and experiences here.
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