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Postby Grandlarousse » Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:44 pm

First Seychelles ambassador accredited to Bahrain

Ambassador Dick Esparon is Seychelles’ first ambassador to be accredited to the the Kingdom of Bahrain.

He presented his credentials on October 8 to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa at the Sakhir Palace, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

Also in attendance were the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, The Royal Court Minister and Chief of Royal Protocol.

In a meeting held with Ambassador Esparon, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al- Khalifa reiterated the invitation extended for President James Michel to visit Bahrain and asked Ambassador Esparon to convey his warm greetings to President Michel and the people of Seychelles.

Ambassador Esparon noted that Seychelles and the Kingdom of Bahrain have many commonalities and that it was an opportune moment for the two countries to take their bilateral relations and cooperation to a qualitatively new level and that he would work to explore new avenues of cooperation.

Ambassador Esparon expressed his view that the Kingdom Bahrain and Seychelles can effectively collaborate to bring renewed impetus to relations between two countries.

Seychelles and the Kingdom of Bahrain established diplomatic relations in May 1983.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has a population of around 1.4 million and was one of the first states in the gulf to discover oil and to build a refinery.
Bahrain has attempted to diversify its economy towards banking, tourism and services.

Bahrain’s emergence as a financial centre, where financial institutions can operate with substantial freedom, was a defining milestone for the country.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:05 pm

Coopération Seychelles-Cambodge - Une nouvelle dynamique se construit


La coopération entre les Seychelles et le Cambodge s’inscrit dans une nouvelle dynamique depuis visite à Phnom Penh et la signature par le chef de la diplomatie seychelloise M. Jean-Paul Adam d’une série de protocoles d’entente intéressant les secteurs essentiels de l’économie des deux pays.

Le Ministre des Affaires estrangères seychellois a affiché sa volonté d’élever le niveau des relations entre les deux pays en rappelant l’importance que le Président James Michel « attache aux relations d’amitié et de coopération avec le Royaume du Cambodge » et en affichant sa volonté d’établir avec Phnom Penh « un dialogue stratégique ».

« Je souhaite que ce dialogue débouche à terme sur un véritable partenariat stratégique entre les Seychelles et le Cambodge dans les domaines qui sont aujourd’hui au cœur de nos échanges et ceux qui s’y ajouteront dans les années à venir, du fait de la vocation maritime de nos deux pays et des défis communs auxquels nous sommes confrontés, en raison notamment du réchauffement climatique », a-t-il déclaré.

Au total 6 Protocoles d’entente ont été signés notamment un Protocole d'entente sur la création d’un cadre de consultations bilatérales entre le Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération internationale du Cambodge représenté par M. Ouch Borich, Ministre des Affaires étrangères par intérim, et le Ministère des Affaires étrangères des Seychelles représenté par M. Jean Paul Adam.

Le Ministre Adam a aussi signé :

• un Protocole d'entente sur la coopération dans le domaine de l’agriculture et les disciplines connexes avec Mom Amnot, Secrétaire d'État du ministère cambodgien de l'Agriculture, des Forêts et de la Pêche ;

• un Protocole d'entente sur la coopération entre le Bureau des investissements des Seychelles et le Conseil pour le développement du Cambodge, représenté par Keat Chun, Vice-Premier ministre ;

• un Protocole d'entente sur la coopération dans le domaine du Tourisme, avec le Dr Thong Khon, Ministre du Tourisme.

• un Accord bilatéral sur les services aériens, paraphé au nom du Cambodge par Mao Ahavannall, Secrétaire d'État chargé de l'Aviation civile.

Un Protocole d'entente sur la coopération amicale entre Phnom Penh, capitale du Cambodge, et la ville de Victoria, signé avec le Gouverneur Pa Socheatvong, a complété cette série d’accords, qui s’inscrivent dans le prolongement de l’Accord de coopération économique et technique signé en 2010 et l’Accord d’exemption de visa signé en 2012.

En ce qui concerne le développement durable, le Ministre Adam a noté avec satisfaction qu’à l’instar des Seychelles, le Cambodge également s’est résolument tourné vers l’économie verte et bleue en adhérant récemment à la Déclaration de Changwon ‘Vers une économie axée sur l'océan’, avec ses voisins de la région.

L'Economie Bleue ainsi que la recherche de solutions à d’autres défis tels que le changement climatique s’annoncent donc comme des domaines intéressants de collaboration future, a conclu le Ministre Adam.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:48 pm

La nouvelle ambassadrice de la Belgique accréditée


L’Ambassadrice du Royaume de Belgique, son excellence Mme Roxane de Bilderling a présenté, hier, mardi, au Président James Michel les lettres l’accréditant en tant que nouvel ambassadrice extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire non résident.

La cérémonie d’accréditation s’est déroulée à State House en présence du Secrétaire d’Etat au Ministère des Affaires étrangères, l’Ambassadeur Barry Faure, le Conseiller diplomatique à la Présidence, l’Ambassadeur Callixte d’Offay et le Consul Honoraire de Belgique, M. Xavier Heinen.

Le Président Michel a fait savoir à cette occasion que les Seychelles ont toujours eu à cœur de poursuivre et d’approfondir les excellentes relations d’amitié et de solidarité qui existent entre les deux pays à l’image de l’appui que le Royaume de Belgique apporte dans la lutte contre la piraterie maritime, comme dans la formation des Garde-côtes seychellois. Il a remercié la Belgique de ce soutien précieux et a souligné la nécessité d’approfondir ce partenariat solide et de le resserrer autour des secteurs comme la sécurité et la surveillance maritime, l’économie bleue, sans oublier les liens entre les institutions de formation touristique des deux pays.

Le Président Michel et l’Ambassadrice Roxane de Bilderling ont tous deux noté que les deux pays sont animés de la même volonté de progrès et du même sens d’amitié.

L’Ambassadrice de Bilderling a, pour sa part, salué les excellentes relations entre les deux pays et s’est engagée à travailler entre autres pour la promotion des échanges et des investissements parce que, estime-t-elle, « les investissements contribuent à créer plus d’activités, des revenus et de l’emploi…. »

Auparavant elle avait évoqué l’excellent partenariat qui est en train de se développer entre la province de Namur et les Seychelles qui ont reçu récemment des représentants de l’Ecole hôtelière de Namur qui envisage des échanges d’étudiants et de professeurs avec l’Académie du tourisme des Seychelles, afin d’étoffer leurs expériences.

On retiendra qu’au cours de leurs entretiens le Président Michel et l’Ambassadrice de Bilderling ont discuté des sujets majeurs de l’heure tels que la cause des Petits Etats insulaires en Développement, les questions d’environnement et de lutte contre les changements climatiques, l’investissement, etc.
L’Ambassadrice de Bilderling est basée à Nairobi, au Kenya.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:07 pm

Seychelles’ ambassador to Portugal accredited


Bernard Shamlaye has been accredited as Seychelles’ ambassador to Portugal.
He presented his credentials to Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva at a ceremony held at the Palacio de Belem, Lisbon on January 20.

Discussions with President Cavaco Silva and senior government officials centred on the strengthening of cooperation between Portugal and Seychelles.
Given its importance in the culture and the economy of both countries, the ocean is a priority area for growing cooperation.

Ambassador Shamlaye briefed the Portuguese authorities on Seychelles’ promotion of the Blue Economy as an essential platform for its sustainable development.

Portugal is also developing a more comprehensive approach to the sea sector. Lisbon will be hosting the “Blue Week” in June and the Portuguese authorities are counting on Seychelles’ involvement. Three main events are being organised: the World Ocean Summit, the Ministerial Meeting and the Blue Business Forum.

Cooperation in the fields of education, culture, tourism and renewable energy, as well as within international organisations, was also discussed.

While in Lisbon, Ambassador Shamlaye attended the traditional ceremony for the presentation of New Year Greetings for the diplomatic corps accredited to Portugal.

In his address on the occasion, the Portuguese head of state made mention, among other subjects, of “the urgent need for concerted global action on climate change” and of his view that for many countries “the maritime economy will be a key factor in economic and social development in the course of this 21st century”.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:30 am

New Zealand’s new HC to Seychelles accredited


The new high commissioner of New Zealand to Seychelles, Shane Jones, presented his credentials to President James Michel at State House yesterday.
Mr Jones, who is based in Auckland, the capital of New Zealand, is ambassador Pacific Economic Development and high commissioner to Nauru. He also represents Mauritius, the Pacific and Seychelles.

The President congratulated and wished the high commissioner every success during his new tenure.

Apart from discussions on the potential cooperation in the field of renewable energy, President Michel also expressed his wish that the two countries have more cooperation in the field of fisheries so to be able to better establish a framework for the development of Seychelles’ maritime space.

Following the accreditation ceremony, HC Jones told the national media that he spoke to President Michel about the importance of Seychelles’ involvement at the Small Island Developing States Conference (Sids) in Samoa last year, following an official visit to New Zealand.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:06 pm

Le nouvel ambassadeur burundais accrédité


Le nouvel ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire de la République du Burundi aux Seychelles, M. Isaie Ntirizoshira, a présenté ses lettres de créances au président de la république, M. James Michel, à State House hier.

Elaborant sur les discussions qu’il a eues avec le chef de l’état seychellois, M. Ntirizoshira a dit qu’elles étaient très fructueuses et très enrichissantes et que les deux pays ont beaucoup à apprendre l’un de l’autre.

“Nous avons aussi échangé sur des projets agricoles, industriels ainsi de suite de tel sorte qu’en tant qu’Afrique nous puissions travailler ensemble dans un processus gagnant-gagnant,” a dit M. Ntirizoshira, en nommant des blocs africains tels que la SADC, la COMESA et l’Union Africaine où les pays d’Afrique peuvent collaborer.

Vu que le Burundi vient de retrouver la stabilité après une guerre civile de quinze ans, M. Ntirizoshira a dit qu’actuellement il y a une dynamique qui s’installe dans son pays.

Il a rajouté qu’un projet de coopération s’installe également entre le Burundi et les Seychelles, projet pour lequel un accord général est en préparation.
L’accord qui doit être signé bientôt donnera suite à des actions spécifiques qui doivent être identifiés pour que des projets soient mis en place.

“On est en train de finaliser l’accord de coopération général et après on doit passer à des actions bien concrètes,” a dit l’ambassadeur Ntirizoshira.

M. Ntirizoshira, qui a aussi rendu visite au vice-président Danny Faure, est basé à Prétoria, en Afrique du Sud.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:39 pm

New Portuguese ambassador hails Seychelles’ economic growth and political stability


José Augusto Duarte has been accredited as the new ambassador of Portugal to Seychelles.

He presented his credentials to President James Michel yesterday at State House.

President Michel congratulated the new ambassador and said that Seychelles is looking forward to forging stronger ties between the two countries.

During their meeting they discussed issues of common interest and areas of possible cooperation such as business and investment, training in different fields, the Blue Economy, tourism, and renewable energy, among others.

After the accreditation ceremony Ambassador Duarte told the national media that his talks with the President centred on cooperation of mutual interest and that he also had greetings of best wishes for President Michel and the people of Seychelles from the Portuguese authorities.

He said that Portugal respects and wishes to encourage Seychelles in view of its good stability as a state.

“We are very impressed with the determination of Seychelles in what it has done for security in the region, through mediation process in Madagascar, through the fight against piracy and maritime security. This deserves our respect and encouragement,” he said.

He said Portugal was also impressed with the figures related to education, political stability, economic growth, low employment rate, the corruption perception index, etc.

“So all these make Seychelles more competitive, more attractive and not just a beautiful archipelago in the middle of the ocean. This really makes us really move forward…it’s the quality of its government and the quality of its people,” said Ambassador Duarte.

He also commented on the good governance that exists in the country and the quality of its people.

The ambassador also said it’s time to see if both countries can increase their relations for mutual benefit. He said that Portugal has potential investors that can be attracted to invest here and develop the local economy more if they are aware of the competitiveness of the Seychelles economy.
“So I think it can be mutually beneficial,” he said.

He also spoke about the concept of the blue economy and how important it is for the Seychelles, the experience his country has in this aspect and work that is being done in the Portuguese-speaking community relating to it.

The Portuguese ambassador also noted that Portugal is back on a growth period after formally exiting the eurozone bail-out last year.

Ambassador Duarte, who is based in Maputo, Mozambique, also called on Vice-President Danny Faure yesterday.

He will pay a courtesy call on the deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Andre Pool, today.

Also present at the accreditation visit at State House were the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Transport Joel Morgan and the President’s diplomatic advisor Ambassador Callixte D’Offay.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:10 pm

Tanzanian HC bids farewell


The outgoing high commissioner (HC) of Tanzania to Seychelles, Dr Batilda S. Burian, paid a farewell call on President James Michel at State House yesterday.
Dr Burian, who represented her country to Seychelles for one and a half years, was based in Nairobi.

President James Michel thanked HC Burian for her valuable contribution to further enhance the bilateral relations between Seychelles and Tanzania.
The President also noted the strong historical links that exist between Seychelles and Tanzania.

Mr Michel wished Dr Burian success in her future diplomatic mission.
During the meeting, the President and Dr Burian reviewed various cooperation programmes that had been successful, areas where bilateral cooperation between the two countries can be consolidated and those that are still being finalised.

Dr Burian said she expressed her country’s sincere appreciation for the support she had received.

Noting that it was very hard working from another country, she said she also discussed with President Michel on the future opening of a honorary consul of Tanzania here in Seychelles.

“But without having an office here we have been able to move on in terms of our bilateral cooperation,” she said. And proof of that was the signing of a memorandum of understanding by her ministry of international aviation which has enabled Air Seychelles to fly twice a week to Dar es Salaam since December last year.

Dr Burian also said bilateral agreements between Seychelles and Tanzania will be signed soon regarding exchange of prisoners and cooperation between the Seychelles Investment Board and the Tanzania Investment Centre.

Dr Burian has also congratulated President Michel for his efforts in coming up with a new initiative of swapping the Seychelles debt with the Paris Club where the money will be put in a trust fund to be used for ocean conservation and climate change issues.

The Blue economy was among the topics of discussions and she said that with her new responsibility as Tanzania’s representative to Tokyo she will continue to advocate and bring awareness to the issue of the Blue economy for sustainability.

Also present during the farewell call on the President were the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Transport, Joel Morgan and the President’s Diplomatic Advisor, Ambassador Callixte D’Offay.

Yesterday Dr Burian also called on Vice-President Danny Faure.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:45 pm

Seychelles’ ambassador to Belgium accredited

Seychelles’ new ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium, Selby Pillay, presented his credentials to the King of the Belgians, His Mr Pillay presents his credentials to King Philippe Majesty King Philippe, on Tuesday March 10, 2015, making him the fourth Seychelles ambassador to be accredited there.

In the discussion following the accreditation ceremony, Ambassador Pillay and the Belgian King explored areas of ongoing cooperation between the nations while also targeting new avenues to further reinforce the partnership.

Ambassador Pillay commended Belgium for the continuous support extended to Seychelles in the fight against maritime piracy through EUNavfor and UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).

He appealed to Belgium to maintain its stance in helping securitise the maritime spaces especially through the memorandum of understanding on Defence Cooperation which is set to expire this year as well as through other instruments in place between the two countries.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1976, Belgium has steadily offered help to Seychelles in several key areas, notably in defence, maritime surveillance and sports.

King Philippe highlighted fisheries as a key field for cooperation which he feels need to be further explored.

Ambassador Pillay presented King Philippe with a coco de mer and the Belgian king expressed his wish for coco de mer to be planted in the Royal Gardens as a sign of the long lasting friendship and cooperation between Belgium and Seychelles.

King Philippe, who had been to Seychelles on a private visit, commended Seychelles' efforts in conserving our "unique and very beautiful environment" as well as for the economic recovery and subsequent growth following the 2008 world financial crisis.

Other subjects of common interest included Seychelles’ tourism industry and the Blue Economy.

Seychelles and Belgium are mutually supportive of each other's candidature for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations’ Security Council.
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Re: Accreditation

Postby Grandlarousse » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:15 pm

Zambia and Seychelles seek to bolster ties


Zambia and Seychelles are seeking to deepen the ties which exist between the two countries in the context of their adherence to regional organisations and principles of mutual respect as African states.

This follows discussions between the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Transport Joel Morgan and the deputy Minister for Arts and Culture of the Republic of Zambia, Esther Banda.
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