Grand défilé contre le gouvernement à Bruxelles, des inciden

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Grand défilé contre le gouvernement à Bruxelles, des inciden

Postby Grandlarousse » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:06 am

Grand défilé contre le gouvernement à Bruxelles, des incidents

Par Reuters
7 Novembre 2014
Environ 100.000 manifestants ont défilé jeudi dans le centre de Bruxelles pour dénoncer les projets de réformes et les mesures de rigueur du nouveau gouvernement de centre droit, entré en fonction il y a seulement un mois.

A l'issue de la manifestation, de violents incidents ont opposé les forces de l'ordre et des manifestants, dont de nombreux dockers. Plusieurs voitures ont été renversées ou incendiées.

La police a utilisé un canon à eau et du gaz au poivre contre les groupes de manifestants violents, dispersés après une charge des forces anti-émeute en fin d'après-midi. Il y a eu plusieurs blessés et des interpellations.

Cette journée de mobilisation, à l'appel des trois grands syndicats du pays, sera suivie par une série de grèves tournantes tous les lundis à compter du 24 novembre et d'une grève nationale le 15 décembre.

Le gouvernement du Premier ministre Charles Michel prévoit notamment de faire passer l'âge légal de départ à la retraite de 65 à 67 ans, dans le cadre d'un plan d'assainissement des finances publiques qui vise à l'équilibre budgétaire d'ici 2018.

Selon les syndicats, 120.000 personnes - dockers, métallurgistes, étudiants notamment - ont marché dans les rues de Bruxelles. La police fait état de 100.000 manifestants.

Les transports publics dans la capitale et dans plusieurs villes du pays ont été fortement affectés par ce mouvement.

Les socialistes, absents du gouvernement pour la première fois depuis vingt-six ans, accusent la politique gouvernementale de favoriser les riches.

"Il n'est pas normal que l'on fasse porter l'effort budgétaire sur les travailleurs, les allocataires sociaux, les pensionnés, les familles. Le gouvernement mène une politique déséquilibrée et injuste", a déclaré l'ancien Premier ministre socialiste Elio Di Rupo. "La mobilisation aujourd'hui montre que la population ne veut pas de cette politique-là, elle réclame un changement de cap."

Charles Michel a invité les représentants des trois grands syndicats (CSC, FGTB, CGSLB) à une réunion qui a débuté en fin d'après-midi. ... -incidents
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Re: Grand défilé contre le gouvernement à Bruxelles, des inc

Postby Grandlarousse » Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:01 am

Europe: qui va financer le plan Juncker à 300 milliards ? ... liards.php
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Re: Grand défilé contre le gouvernement à Bruxelles, des inc

Postby Grandlarousse » Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:58 pm

GLOBAL MARKETS-China rate cut, ECB stimulus hopes boost world markets

By Michael Connor

NEW YORK, Nov 21 (Reuters) - World stock markets and oil prices rallied Friday, fueled by hopes for global growth following a surprise rate cut by China and as the European Central Bank indicated it would step up its asset purchases to boost the euro zone economy.

The jump in oil prices briefly took beaten-down Brent back above $80 a barrel. U.S. interest rates were little changed as the dollar gained and the euro declined. ... HL20141121 ... ments.html ... -purchases ... t-eurozone

Comment - We had just addressed the comment about the Rouen University of Law/Faculty and Economic Management - those who may judge it reckless to talk/address young graduate such issues in the open. The Legal and judiciary implication, President Obama and first Lady Obama both lawyers. What we tried tp tell those young undergraduate.

We wrote that had we been allowed to work/manage certain issues in France or continent how the economic would have been very difference and as such any individual who hold and have such capacity should be give die respect and support.

When you have Institutions like the ECB and China being impacted and even before some of the best Judges in Europe we will state and explain the same issues - what is impacting/influencing these decision - those in London who have worked with us the Blair /Brown and Cameron Officials know very well yet they will tell lies and you have a Press/Media like Reuters writing complete/total garbage and these people led to the last melt down those who decided enough was enough those very wrong reporting and experts explanations.

List of law schools in France ... _in_France
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Re: Grand défilé contre le gouvernement à Bruxelles, des inc

Postby Grandlarousse » Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:08 pm

Europas Wirtschaft fehlt weniger das Geld als das Vertrauen

Junckers 315-Milliarden-Paket kann das Grundproblem nicht lösen. Der Finanzmarkt und die Währungsunion müssen entrümpelt werden.

Wolfgang Böhm (Die Presse)

Es ist eine leichte, wenn auch simple Übung, die Schuldigen zu benennen. Die einen orten sie bei überschuldeten Euroländern, die anderen beim dominanten Deutschland. Die einen geißeln die Unternehmer, die anderen die Gewerkschaften. In Wirklichkeit ist es ein ganzes Geflecht von Fehlentwicklungen, das dafür verantwortlich ist, dass Europas Wirtschaft lahmt. Der wohl größte Knoten darin ist keiner, der durch Maßnahmen der Europäischen Zentralbank oder durch neues, gehebeltes Geld der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) gelöst werden kann. Das größte Problem ist das mangelnde Vertrauen.

Unternehmen investieren derzeit vor allem deshalb nicht, weil sie das Risiko scheuen. Sie vertrauen nicht mehr darauf, dass sie in ein paar Jahren Bedingungen vorfinden, die ihnen die Rückzahlung ihrer Kredite ermöglichen. Geld wäre ausreichend vorhanden. Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat den Finanzmarkt mit frischem Geld geflutet. Doch dieses Geld ist bisher nicht in der Realwirtschaft angekommen, sondern irgendwo zwischen maroden Banken und Spekulanten versickert. Der IWF warnte kürzlich vor einer „besorgniserregenden Loslösung der Märkte von der Wirtschaft“. Es gibt also einen Finanzmarkt, der ein Eigenleben entwickelt hat, durch den keine Unternehmen oder Arbeitsplätze mehr geschaffen werden. Eine reine Blase. ... e/

Comment - We had been in quasi contacts with the new Team of EU, Paris, Strasbourg, then Rouen. When the decision was taken to present the Euro 330 billion economic package. We have written very many article during Mr Barrosa Term of Office the corrupted benchmark - those who give false explanation what really drive an important economic decision or event - ask any stupid of daft professor they will tell you you can do this one or twice if you keep doing it you will lend in total manure.

We presented certain issues to those High parties in Strasbourg and our presence there, Paris and Rouen because of the major issue we have worked with how the Market, the economic mechanism react positively - beside we have some 30 years of experience how to drive the massive EU Economic mechanism and synergy in positive direction or negative direction if compel.

London - Lady Thatcher, Pm John Major, PM Blair/Brown and PM Cameron know and have know of my capacity for a very long time and how they have use this to formulate and decided countless major European political workings.

The point being those in Vienna who wrote this article and the Academic Institutions ought to know better and who we are by now. Including those form the USA, Russia and China. We have done our part and helped.

It will not work by itself or just bumping double that amount in the system - there are vast many other highly complex/complicated issue. mechanism which need to be managed and driven. Over the next few weeks the reaction of those in London who study and monitor our issues and impute. Those who will cream/milk the issues and make vast fortunes and what they will write after wards and the person they will attack. The slander and sleaze.

We trust the Team Mr Junker, Schultz, Tusk are very serious - there are armies of criminals out there who know perfectly well who we are an our experience the past 30 years ready to use and abuse this. The EU High Institutions will have to help us/protect our person and help find safe place to work the issues other wise a Ukrainian situation can easily develop and it could escalate to worse scenario.

Already President JA Michel of Sechelles Seychelles has announced his visit to Paris because of his spies and henchmen what they have learnt and followed us about - the way and manner they have milked and creamed the system including EU Institutions and Tax Payers and defrauded the Seychelles Community in Exile and the diaspora. The one sided article the Seychelles media and Oppositions present and those from Mauritius and Reunion.

Mr DSK and former Presidential candidate Segolan Royal know of the issues, former President Sarkozy former PM Allan Juppe

Chancellor Merkle know our capacity and the issues too. Still what is allowed to be publish in the German media and TV. The new Vienna University Campus and the Department of High Management and those leading that Department know /have research our capacity and ability.

We had encountered a young undergraduate on the Bus to Paris and what we discussed on this topic here reaction Mr ---- you ought to be driving in a big Car or the Train and have assistance and body guard. Her Family is form Reunion. The same with the young Account of Madagascar origin studying in Germany. Then we have Judge Mr Ben Chataway associate/Chamber winding our person - taking us for nutter and Mrs Jemaima Khan/Goldsmith not much better because we do not know how to make fortune and wealth out of such situation. What about Prince Rainier Children they have know of our issues for the past 30 years too if not more.

Those authorities and Officials from the Vatican are bigger culprits. The they know the issues and yet keep very quiet
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