Unemployed , economy , debt : Everything is worse than expec

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Unemployed , economy , debt : Everything is worse than expec

Postby Grandlarousse » Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:46 pm

Unemployed , economy , debt : Everything is worse than expected - Austria

Düsterer Ausblick: Die EU hat die heurige Wachstumsprognose für Österreich mehr als halbiert. Mit 0,7 Prozent liegt es unter dem Schnitt der Eurozone - und das wird wohl noch bis 2016 so bleiben.

04.11.2014 | 12:34 | (DiePresse.com)

Zuerst die gute Nachricht: Die EU-Kommission korrigiert ihre heurige Arbeitslosenprognose für die Eurozone nach unten. Statt 11,8 Prozent erwartet sie heuer "nur" eine Arbeitslosenquote von 11,6 Prozent. Für Österreich war man im Frühjahr allerdings zu optimistisch: 5,3 Prozent soll die Rate nach Eurostat-Berechnung heuer betragen, im Frühjahr war noch von 4,8 Prozent die Rede. Für kommendes Jahr sagt die Herbstprognose sogar eine weitere Steigerung auf 5,4 Prozent voraus, ehe in zwei Jahren ein Rückgang auf fünf Prozent zu erwarten ist. Die Entwicklung am Arbeitsmarkt führte zuletzt auch dazu, dass Österreich seinen Spitzenplatz mit der niedrigsten EU-Arbeitslosenquote an Deutschland abgeben musste.

http://diepresse.com/home/wirtschaft/ec ... e/index.do

Comment - Having addressed a great deal those leading Economist of Austrian Origin we worked with then Thatcher Era and that SIROP program December 2013/January had in principal agreed to set up a working platform for that SIROP ongoing program in Vienna based at Regus - Mariahilfer Strasser - Vienna.

We addressed several high personalities and the board of Bank Adria that we can contribute to rebuilding many of that busted Finance workings and they ignored it and they lost Euro billions. How they take and make decision.

The point and fact we had not been in Vienna since the Berlin Wall stood and we have the capacity to monitor USA, China, Russia, Brazil economy and Austria economy is modest beside Britain and France or Germany. After we left Vienna the positive buzz and those who were looking forward to our coming back. This did not happen because of Seychelles and Britain/USA - the White House.

Yet in Seychelles those Austrian investors.

The world have changed and is changing - is very sicking to see and watch such mass of resource and those who just refuse to develop the right discipline to make it work.

Our offer to set up and office for SIROP in Vienna still stand and the same applies to that Bank Adria debacle. During the Era of Chancellor Kreisky and Vanisky we learnt to take risks and we have amassed important experience and knowledge. Were are/is our old Law firms Franz Withhoff and his Arbitration consulting company - where is Dr Hannes Androsh Consortium.

To set up a workings platform for SIROP requires the minimum - space, volunteers and from the Euro billions we have helped and enable many to make they can afford to help with rent and other expenses. They were all waiting we come set up office and then they start the creaming process/take us to the laundry as they did before 2007/2008 we do not know what language to use to say this practice has to stop then thing will work and be back to normal.

As Far as President James Michel is concern he can jump it - we have made up our mind and when we make our mind even the great president FA Rene know exactly what this mean. The First lady Natalie respective position on this subject. The New EU Leadership want us to rebuild this program - what are you lot waiting.

Some of you ought to point this comment to the new Leadership of EU Commissioner Junker, Shultz and Tusk - they know are well aware of our abilities and experiences.

Mr Shultz, Chancellor Merkle, Mr Junker have learnt hopefully how mad/erratic and unexplainable some global issues are and their workings - that wedding of Actor George Clooney is/was related those in Italy who know and yet and the Italian banking Group who owe former Creditanstalt Bank. Those who think we are flipping daft/utterly thick/ whatever you would care to cal our person as they have done the past 21 years
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Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:44 am

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