This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdiscus

Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Sun May 10, 2015 1:56 pm

EMPIRE RAWAT : Liquidation totale inévitable !

Bramer Property Fund (BMF) : Sur des Assets, dont des immeubles, de Rs 4,2 milliards, Rs 3,1 milliards ont été « eaten by rats » pour reprendre un jargon populaire de l'audit ... inevitable
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Tue May 12, 2015 8:38 pm

SCBG DE RS 6,3 MILLIARDS : Assurance d’une ligne de crédits de la BoM si besoin est

Effervescence à la Bourse de Maurice en début de semaine avec en toile de fond la réalisation des avoirs liquides de BAI Co (Mtius) Ltd, évalués à Rs 1,5 milliard ... -si-besoin
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed May 13, 2015 9:40 pm

EMPIRE RAWAT—La BAI opérait des fonds sans l'autorisation de la FSC

Rs 450 millions récoltées de manière illégale en 2014 par Hennessy Capital Ltd, du tandem Muhammad Rawat–Sulliman Moolan, pour contourner les interdictions contre la BAM ... ion-la-fsc
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Thu May 14, 2015 9:47 am

Affaire BAI: le mari d’Adeela Rawat interrogé Under Warning au CCID

L’Autrichien Claudio Feistritzer, gendre de Dawood Rawat, est interrogé ce jeudi dans les locaux du CCID, aux Casernes centrales. Marié à Adeela Rawat, il était le seul membre extérieur de la famille à siéger sur le Board de la BAI. On ne sait pour l’heure s’il risque une arrestation. ... ng-au-ccid

BAI : Arrestation ce matin de l’époux d’Adeela Rawat

Claudio Fiestritzer, un des deux gendres de Dawood Rawat, entendu sur les Management Fees de Rs 15 millions par mois puisées des comptes d’Iframac et d’autres manipulations de comptes ... eela-rawat

BAI : Arrestation de l’époux d’Adeela Rawat ... eela-rawat

BAI : Le coup de semonce du CCID !

Claudio Fiestritzer, l’un des deux gendres de Dawood Rawat, passe la nuit d’hier à ce matin en cellule au Moka Detention Centre ... ce-du-ccid

Chute de la BAI: pas de liberté conditionnelle pour Claudio Feistritzer ... eistritzer

Claudio Fiestritzer libéré sous caution

Par La Rédaction
16 Mai 2015
Il est accusé de blanchiment d’argent, complot pour commettre une fraude, et violation de la Companies Act. Claudio Feistritzer, chairman de Bramcom Holding Ltd, filiale de BA Investment, a obtenu la liberté sous caution après deux nuits passées en cellule au Moka Detention Centre. Il avait été arrêté jeudi car la police le soupçonne d’avoir illégalement puisé des fonds d’Iframac et d’autres filiales du groupe. ... us-caution

Affaire BAI: grandeur et décadence de Claudio Feistritzer

L’ancien Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam inaugurant le showroom de Mercedes à Phoenix les Halles, l’an dernier, sous les yeux du Chairman de Bramcom.
Par La Rédaction
16 Mai 2015
Quand on a épousé la fille aînée du milliardaire mauricien Dawood Rawat, qui peut a priori penser qu’un jour, on goûtera au «confort» d’une cellule policière ? C’est pourtant le sort réservé à Claudio Feistritzer, qui a passé sa première nuit dans une cellule policière de Moka le jeudi 14 mai, après avoir été arrêté par la CCID. ... eistritzer
Last edited by Grandlarousse on Sat May 16, 2015 7:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Fri May 15, 2015 7:41 pm

Adeela Rawat: “I am apparently suspected without an iota of evidence that i know of”

Par Touria Prayag
14 Mai 2015
“We are left with no money to even feed our children!” Adeela Rawat says in this exclusive interview published in Weekly last week. She severely criticized the way all this BAI saga was being handled by the authorities. She talked about “a systematic campaign of character assassination” and the “psychological trauma” which her family is facing. Here's the full interview of the first member of the Rawat family to have talked to the press a couple of days before the arrest of her husband, Claudio Feistritzer‬

Le vendredi cauchemardesque de Navin Ramgoolam ... -ramgoolam

Ramgoolam arrêté: Me Yusuf Mohammed ne comprend pas ... mprend-pas

NAVIN’S COFFERS SAGA : Découverte d’un nouveau compte de Rs 110 M ... e-rs-110-m

BAI : Ramgoolam en cellule

L’ancien Premier ministre fait face à trois charges, soit “conspiracy to defraud”, “money laundering” et “faux et usage de faux” dans des deals avec le conglomérat de Dawood Rawat ... en-cellule

Navin Ramgoolam à son arrivée à la Bail and Remand Court, ce samedi.
Il n’a pas obtenu sa libération sous caution. Après des débats très animés à la Bail and Remand Court, à Port-Louis, ce samedi 16 mai, l’ex-PM sera reconduit dans sa cellule, à Moka. Il comparaîtra de nouveau demain, dimanche. ... -ramgoolam

LIVE - Ramgoolam reste en détention

C’est demain que la magistrate Naveena Pursuramen rendra son ruling pour la demande de remise en liberté provisoire de Navin Ramgoolam. Revivez toute l’audience minute par minute. ... -detention

Navin Ramgoolam soutenu par une poignée de partisans devant la Bail and Remand Court ... mand-court

Affaire BAI: La vente des biens des Rawat à l’étranger possible
Le château médiéval acheté à Rome par une société maltaise, dont Dawood Rawat était le principal actionnaire, a été estimé à Rs 500 millions.
Cela paraît compliqué, mais l’Etat pourrait avoir une chance de liquider les biens acquis à l’étranger par les membres de la famille Rawat. Il faudra d’abord établir qu’ils ont été acquis avec de l’argent provenant d’une activité illégale ... r-possible
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Sun May 17, 2015 11:45 am

Seychelles bankrupt 2008 IMF Bailout - Mauritius Bail out methodology/approach
Post Sirop14 Today at 10:40 pm

PM Jugnauth should have been contented with his last Term as President of Mauritius and hang up his hat and coat with great distinctions - what eve swept under the carpet for future generation to deal with - he did not do this.

In 2013, when the issues had been on to meet with the EU high officials and the AU Representative in Bruxelles to resynergize that SIROP program - the article and media coverage of Seychelles economic woes and that of Mauritius. What was being written in Africa and rest of the world.

PM Ramgoolam had indicated to our person that there were major undercurrent and challenges with the Mauritius economy. Because we had worked with Mr Jean Marc Harel and Mr Rivalland on many issues and our own impute.

We had been tearing our hair, becoming blind by worries and getting ill. All those who were hunting individual who work in the High management field they die very young/never reaching old age - the super manure involved. President Jugnauth must have known - in Sechelles Seychelles they would have demanded his resignation if he had not been aware of the state of the nation economy. Just making wired comments.

Those Seychelles Ministers going to African and around the world explaining how they have averted total melt down and yet their lies and dishonesty - the important role and working of that SIROP program and the IMF/Wrold Bank lies.

In Mauritius - you had watched us closely with the debacle of Lehman Brothers arrival - the MBC scandal had just exploded. How Lehman Brothers so call great experts started getting Seychelles government into big trouble - whilst using these/our SIROP connection to work other much bigger global super-manure /associate, dreadful products, accounting benchmark and fiscal manipulation. On the Back of that SIROP program via Sechelles Seychelles Government.

PM Ramgoolam was would have had to be very aware - yet is attitude.

When the bust up came in 2008 those who came forward to our help/support and rescue - in Europe in particular, the regulation and restrictions the IMF put into place and in Mauritius all those who must have watched and studied. Just as the Lehman, IMF/World Bank was/were creaming off Seychelles via that SIROP program for it own account and workings and what they were telling the world.

The Global meltdown was in 2008/2009 proper. We have talked with many in Seychelles how they kept the country afloat in-spite of the mountain of dept - by borrowing and workings a similar system and the BAI and Rawat group. Safe they were not government. This practice is done/carried right across Africa and Latin America.

What if in Mauritius those entities had allowed Situation to develop like Seychelles or Greece, Portugal and run to the IMF. The many Firms of Chartered accounts who must have known and knew their customers need and pain and options. In the case of Seychelles or any government they are allowed/given debts write off and those who know how to make vast fortunes out of this practice and process.

PM Ramgoolam just do not know how many years in Seychelles those who knew and know our Finance and economy how things have been worked/managed - again we say they are government unlike private company or Parastatals with worked and adopted the same practice.

For the past 30 years the nations of the Indian Ocean have been talking of harmonizing their economic workings and benchmarks - the many form the young generation who had judge that Mauritius had managed to discover a unique Financial and economic management model. Where Mr Rawat have been doing this for a few years President FA Rene government have been doing for over 30 years. Call it Environment loans or Grants, Democratic process loan , Empowerment loans and the long lists, they all land in the government coffer and how it is managed and redistributed - the balance sheets.

Until last week we had thought Mr Rawat very adroit in achieving what he has, not the cream-off - juggling money around and creating new entities - I/we personally recommand, they ought to to collect as much information of President FA Rene approach and write an economic manual. For student in Economy to study/linked to that SIROP program concept.

Former President/PM Jugnauth must have know of President FA Rene approach and practice - specially the management of the Parastatals - who shared and whispered to Mr Rawat the FA Rene formula - just like we have that Eurovision supposedly Mauritius of origin a Miss Rene like the Rene of Seychelles. Those who had been talking of a soft landing in Mauritius after the global meltdown. The manner this soft landing have been managed. Yet those super morons the like of KPMG, E&Y, Deloitte Touche, the others - they take the public the hardworking people for fools - just as those request that big bankers are sent to Jail it is time we send those big boss of Chartered account to Jail - what they know and work and then turn round pretending they knew nothing. The customers rely on them for knowledge and options to take hard decisions. If I wanted my children to work Finance and economy in the Indian Ocean would have sent then to FA Rene because he was/is more original - because some of the basic issues of Rawat he had been working them long time ago when Mauritius was still Headed by the Queen and they were restricted. What more there is a great deal they/many do not know about FA Rene global corporate workings/networks.

The Rawat are Muslims as such their powers and politic in Mauritius - is is not strange that the person of Mr Ali Parkar his former astounding property in Seychelles which became the Home of SIM - having resided in Mauritius for nearly 30 years - he too knew and know very very well the approach of Seychelles government in managing the uneconomic and Parastatals. Mr Ali Parkar know my person too and the mega battle we have had over that SIROP program and battle to set up IOIMF in Seychelles.

We have addressed the issue of BRICS, RIM Association, the Blue Economy topics, the Joint Seychelles Mauritius/rather Indian ocean economic workings and now Europe Digital Single Market what and how are you two lots going to manage develop, concepts to cope with events. That SIROP program and our associated working is yet to deliver a great deal more. These program have not been designed to just help say a bunch of refugee or Grass Roots in Europe - they have been designed to work and deliver a very great deal more. What we wrote to the African Union, the UN on this subject.

We have a great deal of work yet to do, why do not those in Mauritius join us we have had enough of bust up to know both side caprices - if fact we had been heading towards the direction of getting the Rawat to joins us. With "the super mess - the manure have not been looked after properly and Farmers know all the place you can get manure and where to get the best manure/Associated issues".

Just as Seychelles went "hat in hand to the IMF/World Bank for the Bail out" - the current BRICS model we believe PM Jugnauth should have worked the issues very different, meaning leave the vengeance out and tackle the mega economic headache associated with handling such a situation, We have listen very attentively to many such debate and those of Seychelles FA Rene - now he has created a scenario that will be very difficult to overcome and rebuild.

In Seychelles those political oppositions who read book and papers and they want to model our economy on what they read - you need and require deep foundation, roots and other important connectivity before you can achieve this. We need to go back to our old roots/ways we did business in Seychelles and for their go forward. Many instance we have recommend, those everybody in Seychelles they study closely the Economic model of the former USSR and COMECON and their current development. Yes there are many new parameters related to modern economy and Financial workings - they need to be managed is a prudent and wise way otherwise we will have the Lehman situations.
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Sun May 17, 2015 12:16 pm

Live: suivez les derniers développements sur Ramgoolam

Par La Rédaction
17 Mai 2015
Cette page est mise à jour automatiquement, pas besoin de la recharger
Arrêté vendredi dans le cadre de l’enquête sur la BAI, Navin Ramgoolam a été libéré ce dimanche 17 mai. Il devra s’acquitter de trois cautions de Rs 100 000. Il s'est ensuite rendu au Square Guy Rozemont, pour une conférence de presse. ... -ramgoolam

Navin Ramgoolam libéré sous caution ... us-caution

Il fustige le GM et Roshi Bhadain qui veulent l'éliminer de la scène politique

Ramgoolam s’explique sur le contenu d’un coffre à la banque… ... fre-banque

Des comptes bancaires de Navin Ramgoolam passés à la loupe
Navin Ramgoolam a comparu devant la Bail and Remand Court ce dimanche 17 mai.
Par La Rédaction
17 Mai 2015
Navin Ramgoolam ne semble pas être au bout de ses peines. Les autorités s’apprêteraient à loger d’autres accusations pour des délits financiers contre lui. Le leader rouge possède, en effet, seize comptes auprès de la Mauritius Commercial Bank, de la Barclays Bank et de la HSBC, dont deux comptes conjoints au sein de ce dernier établissement. ... sses-loupe

ÉCROULEMENT DE L’EMPIRE RAWAT : Le 8 janvier 2014 : début de la fin du Ponzi BAI

Avec l’injonction de la FSC interdisant Bramer Property Fund Ltd de collecter des fonds, la machine à signer des autorisations sous le Non-Citizens (Property Restriction) Act du PMO se met à fonctionner à plein régime ... -ponzi-bai

LUTTE CONTRE LES CRIMES À COL BLANC : Ramgoolam au cœur de la galaxie Rawat !

L’ancien Premier ministre passe une nouvelle nuit en cellule au Moka Detention Centre avec trois nouvelles charges, dont Conspiracy to Defraud de Rs 105 millions, retenues contre lui ... axie-rawat
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Mon May 18, 2015 9:19 am

Achat d’avions: Ramgoolam pris dans un nouvel imbroglio

L’ex-Premier ministre se trouve empêtré dans une nouvelle affaire. Celle-ci concerne l’achat de six Airbus par la compagnie d’aviation. Le gouvernement compte rendre publics les premiers indices qui incrimineraient Navin Ramgoolam. ... -imbroglio
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Mon May 18, 2015 8:19 pm

Chute de la BAI : La chronologie des faits reprochés à l’ex-Premier ministre

Arrêté le vendredi 15 mai dans le sillage de l’enquête sur le scandale BA Investment, l’ex-Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam a passé deux nuits en détention préventive, à Moka, avant d’être libéré hier, dimanche 17 mai. ... r-ministre

BAI SAGA : nTAn Advisory sur la piste des Rs 2,4 milliards

Les transactions immobilières au nom du Bramer Property Fund, avec la signature de l’ex-PM Navin Ramgoolam, dont Rs 804 M à la veille des élections du 10 décembre, passées au peigne fin ... -milliards
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Re: This forum is created with article from Seychellesclubdi

Postby Grandlarousse » Wed May 20, 2015 11:01 am

APOLLO BRAMWELL: Une centaine de licenciements confirmée

Une manifestation envisagée par certains employés de l'hôpital de la BAI avortée ... -confirmee

BAI SAGA: Saisie de 25 boîtes de documents par le Central CID ... entral-cid


Cette personnalité, très respectable et respectée, avait remis Rs 100 M pour l’acquisition du 12e étage de la Bramer House et de six appartements à Ébène, et ce sans aucun contrat en contre-partie ... legal-vvip

BAI SAGA : nTAn Advisory sur la piste des Rs 2,4 milliards

Les transactions immobilières au nom du Bramer Property Fund, avec la signature de l’ex-PM Navin Ramgoolam, dont Rs 804 M à la veille des élections du 10 décembre, passées au peigne fin ... -milliards
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