Who are we - Qui sont nous
It is the vision, dream, hard work, a great deal of sacrifice, commitment faith and perseverance of our Seychelles community in exile, draft outline we left in Angers - Loire 1989, aspects of old Seychelles Colonial friendship, already established seychelles community across EU which led to the founding of FECAS - ECSVS finally in 1991 : C'est la vision, le rêve, le travail dur, une grande affaire de sacrifice, foi d'engagement et persévérance de notre communauté des Seychelles dans l'exil, projet sommaire que nous avons deposer a Angers- Loire 1989, aspects de la vieille amitié coloniale des Seychelles, la communauté déjà établie des Seychelles à travers l'EU qui a mené à la fondation de FECAS - ECSVS finalement en 1991
- 3 Topics
- 5 Posts
Last post by fecas-ecsvs
Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:27 am
Our old Forum past 9 -10 years
Past 9 year existance of our old forum, hosting, Management and events, high Corporate issues leading to its demise and rebuilding issues, many contributions to EU, Indian Ocean and World issues being synergized/impacted
Existence de 9 ans de notre ancien forum , l'hébergement , la gestion et des événements , des questions de sociétés de haute menant à sa disparition et les questions de reconstruction , de nombreuses contributions à l'UE , de l'océan Indien et les questions du monde d'être en synergie / impacté
- 4 Topics
- 9 Posts
Last post by fecas-ecsvs
Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:50 am
Célébration, grand événement historique - moment, Celebration, great Historic event -
For the past 9-10 years of our forum existence events across beside Europe related to our Community, heritage and ancestral workings - most important issues and events past 500 - 900 years related
Pour les 9 -10 dernières années de nos forum, d'existence événements événements à travers le monde à côté de l'Europe liées à notre communauté , le patrimoine et le fonctionnement ancestrales
- 10 Topics
- 19 Posts
Last post by Grandlarousse
Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:26 pm
Avons-nous le droit d'être indemnisé pour les atroces souffrances , les persécutions de nos ancêtres ,
Do we have a right to be compensated for the atrocious sufferings, persecutions of our ancestors,
Avons-nous le droit d'être indemnisé pour les atroces souffrances , les persécutions de nos ancêtres ,
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The French government from 1700 to date, Le gouvernement français de 1700 - jusqu'ici
One of our most important challenge as an ethnic Community in EU, then Europe for the past 70 years and recent events in Europe to explain, bring to the public and world attention what have affected us and made us the way we are.
- 12 Topics
- 13 Posts
Last post by Grandlarousse
Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:08 pm
Our French Community - nos responsable Francais
- 9 Topics
- 18 Posts
Last post by Grandlarousse
Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:34 pm
Our British Colonial heritage beside Continental heritage - our Community today and future.
Our British Colonial heritage beside Continental heritage - our Community today and future. In our old forum this topic did not exist. We trust events of the past 30 years have opened the eyes and mind, feelings of those who relate and co relate with our community
- 4 Topics
- 4 Posts
Last post by Grandlarousse
Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:31 am
Parking space for Seychelles EU connection
This is an important of our forum - nobody is safe from an objective of media and Internet working - the possibility that at any given time our forums and Social communication can be rendered malfunction and the need to have cross posting of our issues.
- 52 Topics
- 129 Posts
Last post by fecas-ecsvs
Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:46 pm
J8 - G8 Summit, other related Comference
As an NGO our capacity and Rights to monitor and work the respective issues
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Sechelles - Seychelles Community Meetings, Lectures, Workshops etc.. across EU cities, towns
It is now nearly 2 years since our Seychelles EU community have had a web presence - where our children, youth, young parents, elders can /have visited and relearn the lost past very rich ancestral heritage, archaic, christian cultural heritage. Including those from other European nations married to our nation country man and woman. Then the many institutions in EU, government officials and agencies, NGO and voluntary organizations and agencies , religious and business bodies . WE BELIEVE THE TIME HAVE COME NOW WHERE GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS, THOSE WITH CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE, EXPERTISE, SKILLS AND DEDICATION CAN TRAVEL ACROSS THE EU, VISIT AND MEET OUR COMMUNITIES AND THOSE INVOLVE WITH THEM AT ALL LEVELS OF THEIR FUNCTIONINGS - IN ACCORDANCE WITH EU LAWS, DIRECTIVES AND GUIDANCE, CONTRIBUTE TO BUILDING OUR COMMUNITIES IN EU. This forum area use to post views, suggestions, recommandation and point of views. 26/07/08
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Seychelles EU Community Incorporated 11/12/07
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Seychelles EU Community Military Service, Service Personal area, Association
We trust this forum wil be frequently used and visited, by those from those who have Served in one form or another.
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Find your ancestors - Trouvez vos ancêtres
- 5 Topics
- 5 Posts
Last post by Grandlarousse
Wed May 06, 2015 6:20 pm
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